Sacral chakra & Intuition

I’m sure you’ve all heard or know by now that we are in a new era— we’ve entered the age of Aquarius aka the era of the Feminine Divine. For those of you that don’t know what that means, let me quickly explain:

We’re recently coming out of Pisces era. For the past 2000 years humanity has been experiencing “reality” under masculine consciousness.

 Wtf does that mean? That means that the life we’ve known up to now has been created under masculine energy. Male energy is all about action. It’s thought, fire, ideas, hierarchies, go, go , go. It’s structure, order, form, rationality. It’s more about the “mind” of things than it is about the “feel.”

So now what?!

We’re entering this incredible new era— the era of the Feminine Divine. Feminine energy is the opposite of masculine energy. Feminine energy is all about feeling, unity, surrender, attract rather than chase. Intuition, more heart & less mind.

Cool and now what?

Since we’ve been operating under masculine consciousness for so long—we have collectively lost touch with our feminine energy. Many of us  have unconsciously have taken on the role of victim (wounded fem) while many others have taken the masculine role, completely suppressing their Divine fem.  

This isn’t good or bad, our Spirit simply wanted to experiment this consciousness until now. The Age of Aquarius has brought with it, a new level of consciousness, a consciousness that’s awakening our divine feminine.



A woman’s intuition comes from her womb. While all our other chakras provide us with some kind of information, a woman’s greatest sense of discernment and intuition is in her womb. The womb/uterus, is located in the sacral chakra. The sacral is the center for our emotions. It’s element is water and it governs all of our relationships. Our womb stores all of our emotions. Our emotions could be from another life, or inherited from the female lineage of our family. Oftentimes, what we inherit is on a subconscious level.  

For 2000 years we have been turned off to our energy. Our wombs have been “asleep.” Or you could say we’ve been asleep to the magic of what the uterus really is. An unawakened womb can make a woman feel as though she can’t trust life or other people.

When we wake up the uterus and work with the sacral chakra, it’s like we re-connect with that spark- that magic that lives within the womb. That magic that is just waiting for us to see her, to trust her, to commit to her. It pushes us towards a natural movement and flow of life. Our creativity oozes out of us, our sexual energy becomes liberated, we feel joy, we re-connect with our essence, our intuition. It becomes easy for us to express our divinity through our creativity.

Here are some things that could turn off our womb/intuition:

  • Toxic emotions: rage, jealousy, envy, depression
  • Sexual abuse
  • Abortions (natural/planned)
  • Viewing your period as something negative or a nuisance. Believing that your body is working against you every time you get your period. Constantly complaining about your period
  • Having sex when you don’t really want to. It doesn’t matter if it’s your partner or whoever. If you don’t want to it’s important that you follow that
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