Crystals are absolutely wonderful for clearing, tuning, protecting and raising the energetic vibration of not just your space but your energy body. Absolutely everything on this planet has a vibrational frequency. As humans, our vibrations vary from day to day depending on our mood/emotions, what...

The victim   There are many roles humans subconsciously take on throughout their lifetime. One of these roles is the victim role. I’m sure you’ve heard of the victim role, but what exactly is it? How does it happen? How does one turn into the “victim” ?...

Energy baths work vibrationally to harmonize the body, mind and the Spirit. In this post I'll share with you different ways to support your energetic body & encourage the healing process with the use of energetic charged baths. These recipes have been channeled. I am not...

I’m sure you’ve all heard or know by now that we are in a new era--- we’ve entered the age of Aquarius aka the era of the Feminine Divine. For those of you that don’t know what that means, let me quickly explain: We’re recently coming...

The work begins when you make the decision that you are going to change your story… When you decide to heal from the unconditional love and compassion that is your very nature and commit to choosing love over fear time and time again… When you decide to...

the point of these exercises is to wake up the womb. When we become conscious of what’s there we can begin to heal and dig through those energetic hindering our intuitive powers. When we heal our energy becomes lighter and elevated. We can more...