Crystals are absolutely wonderful for clearing, tuning, protecting and raising the energetic vibration of not just your space but your energy body. Absolutely everything on this planet has a vibrational frequency. As humans, our vibrations vary from day to day depending on our mood/emotions, what we put into our bodies, our jobs, or the people and spaces we interact with. Our vibrations rise and fall daily, and when we’re vibrating at a lower frequency we attract uncomfortable or painful situations. Whereas, vibrating at a higher frequency allows us to attract the positive changes we want to make in our lives.

Unlike humans, crystals maintain a consistent vibration.  Because of their crystalline structure, most vibrate at high levels while some even higher. Since crystals have their own auras and vibrations, the interaction between their energy and humans can affect our vibrations.

We can use crystals to elevate our mood, focus our minds, and bring about desired change. Crystals can also help with clearing out energetic blocks, tuning into our intuition, clearing out emotional blocks, help cleanse our energetic bodies and spaces, protect our energy and spaces, and stimulate our creativity and ideas. They can help change the frequency at which we vibrate. There are so many different types of crystals that serve different purposes. However, for protecting your energy my favorites are black Tourmaline, Onyx, snowflake Obsidian, Amethyst, and red Tiger’s eye.



As I mentioned before, there are lots of different types of crystals to pick from. Typically I’ll go to a crystal shop and pick up the ones that resonate with me the most. Other times when I’m working with energy or a specific chakra, I’ll research their properties or characteristics and go with the one I feel works best for me in that time. Once you purchase your crystal it’s very important that you cleanse it and then charge it. Crystals are very sensitive and pick up the energy of the store- the people that have held it etc.


I typically cleanse my crystals with sage, incense, or palo santo. Depending on the crystal I will leave it soaking in a saltwater bowl for an hour or two. Some crystals can get ruined if you put them into the saltwater so it is important you do your research and double check how to clean each. There are some crystals that need daily cleanse (depending on how often you use it of course) while others don’t need to be cleansed as often.


The most basic way to charge your crystals is under the moonlight. Leave them out overnight bathing in the moon’s light especially during full moons. Some crystals can be buried in your backyard for a few hours to absorb Earth’s energy. If you are an energy worker- for instance you have a reiki training, you can charge your crystals using this method as well. Your crystals should be charged after you cleanse them.



There’s a number of ways you could use your crystals. To protect your your energy body you can wear them as jewelry. For instance, when I know I am going to spend time with people who are draining, and I cannot get out of it, I’ll tape a Herkimer diamond on my solar plexus. That way the Herkimer will absorb whatever energy is coming into my field that shouldn’t be there. I will also wear an amethyst bracelet on my left wrist on a daily basis, or a grounding stone in my left pocket or bra.

Your non-dominant side is the side that receives energy and your dominant gives energy. It’s important to wear the crystals on your non-dominant side if you’re using them for protection.

You can also place crystals in different areas of your house. For example, I place an amethyst crystal in the entrance of my home to absorb anything I may have picked up from the day. You can place them in your meditation area, your car, wherever you feel you should place it.


Crystals really are wonderful aids once you get to know them and work with them. Remember though, they are just that, helpers. You have to put in the work as well by setting your limits, taking care of your body and your thoughts, being consistent with your practices, and actively working on your energy.

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