02 Feb You don’t have to be a victim, babe!
The victim
There are many roles humans subconsciously take on throughout their lifetime. One of these roles is the victim role. I’m sure you’ve heard of the victim role, but what exactly is it? How does it happen? How does one turn into the “victim” ? And even more so, how do you get out of it?
As with all in life, not everything is black and white. There are so many different layers forming “reality.” These are layers that we don’t always see in the moment, but when we start our inner work, they begin to surface. We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
The victim role is a state in which a person feels defenseless in a situation. It’s a role in which one unconsciously moves from, putting the responsibility of their lacks in life onto others. They blame outside factors on why they are the way they are or why life is the way it is. The victim usually stays stuck in the past. Reliving painful or traumatic moments they experienced during childhood. When a person is operating in victim mode, they are operating from a wounded inner child. This inner child had to learn how to survive during childhood, putting up barriers and finding ways to protect itself.
The thing with staying in this victim mode is that you operate from your emotions (usually painful ones). You’re going to recreate all those painful experiences in your adult life until you consciously decide to stop the cycle. Imagine your wounded inner child picking out your husband or your wife. Now imagine that same wounded inner child raising your kids. You pass down these patterns to the future generations. Your soul is going to repeat those cycles until you decide and commit to your liberation.
The harsh reality with this is that one cannot move forward in life from this role. You cannot heal any wound, free yourself from any trauma, or sustain any everlasting changes if you do not take FULL responsibility for all of you.
There is some fabulous news though! If you want to break that cycle—you can. If you want to change- you can. If you want to be happy you’re allowed to. If you want to elevate your energy- you’re going to have to leave the drama aside and level up. There’s no other way. It most likely won’t be easy but it can be fun and it is doable.
When we address our inner child’s needs and become conscious of our internal programming’s we can then start changing them. We can learn to re-wire and reprogram our thought patterns. We can leave our inner child playing peacefully and take control as the conscious adults that we are meant to be— we break the patterns. We liberate ourselves and we liberate our past and future ancestors.
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash
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